• | Act of God - An event, which is not the fault of any individual. Acts of God may or may not be insurable. |
• | Active Arming - A method for arming a security system that requires some action such as pressing a button on a remote transmitter or entering a code on a keypad |
• | Additional Insured or Additional Interest - A person or an organization, other than the named insured or covered person, who is protected under the named insured's auto insurance policy. If an auto is leased, the leasing company may want to be listed as an Additional Insured as well as a lien holder or loss payee. This protects the leasing company if it's named in a lawsuit for an accident caused by a policyholder. |
• | Agent - Someone who acts for one or a number of companies, particularly in selling insurance. |
• | Anti-Theft Device - Devices designed either to reduce the chance an auto will be vandalized or stolen, or assist in its recovery. Examples include car alarms, keyless entry, starter disablers, motion detectors, parts of the vehicle etched with the Vehicle Identification Number, and recovery systems. |
• | Assigned Risk - A risk not ordinarily acceptable to insurers which is, according to state law, assigned to insurers participating in a plan in which the insurers agree to accept their share of these risks. |
• | At-fault Accident - An at-fault accident is one in which you are legally held responsible for the accident |
• | Automobile Insurance - A form of insurance that protects against losses involving autos. Different types are available depending on the needs and wants of those buying policies. Examples of coverage types include: bodily injury liability, property damage liability, medical payments, and collision and comprehensive coverage for physical damage to the insured's vehicle. |
• | Automobile Insurance Plans - The name for "assigned risk" plans. These are plans set up and monitored by the state to help people who are unable to secure auto insurance through standard insurance carriers. See Assigned Risk. |